Dallas County
Fighting the Fake
What makes fentanyl so dangerous? ABI helped Dallas County Fight Fentanyl in its latest public health campaign.Fostering broad awareness and proactive engagement within schools across Dallas County, with impactful, emotional and life saving content distilled from the Fentanyl Toolkit.
Recent tragic incidents involving teenagers succumbing to fentanyl overdoses within Dallas County have ignited a widespread concern.
The infiltration of this highly potent and lethal drug among vulnerable adolescents has sparked a profound conversation within the community. These distressing events are not isolated incidents; rather, they reflect a persistent and escalating issue that necessitates immediate attention. The fentanyl digital toolkit created aims to address the urgent need for accurate and accessible information about fentanyl among school staff, parents, and students. The resource is designed to provide a reliable and digestible resource that can be efficiently distributed to schools throughout Dallas County, fostering awareness and promoting safety.
Our primary messaging focused on how Fentanyl is an extremely dangerous and potent. Sold in the form of a pill (or powder or block) that can kill you in two minutes, it only takes a tiny amount to kill. Even if you know you’re taking fentanyl, you don’t know you’re getting a lethal dose. Our approach helped show Dallas County ways to help fight the fake, such as only get prescription pills dispensed from a licensed pharmacy. A video and microsite also focused on reaching staff, parents, and students with outreach collaterals such as video, fact sheets, and infographics.
A video and microsite also focused on reaching staff, parents, and students with outreach collaterals such as video, fact sheets, and infographics. The toolkit directly located on the microsite provided downloadable material to print or share it electronically.
Campaign Deliverables
Digital Toolkit
Outreach Collateral
A video and microsite also focused on reaching staff, parents, and students with outreach collateral such as video, fact sheets, and infographics. The toolkit directly located on the microsite provided downloadable material to print or share it electronically.
Shareable materials helped increase awareness levels, social media engagement and reduce fentanyl-related incidents within Dallas County schools.
Tracing a Fentanyl pills’ journey from the end user back in time from the friend who handed it to you to its origins of the dealer and manufacturer.